Media OutReach Newswire
- 17 March 2025 - Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, a
festive time marked by family gatherings, communal bonding, and
spiritual development. In 2024, a global broker Octa carried out several
charity projects in various countries to celebrate Ramadan, driving
education and long-term social benefits.
Each year, the month of Ramadan comes forth as a unifying force for
Muslims all over the world. Since the Ramadan state of mind is
characterised by deep reflection and a sense of connection, Octa aimed
its latest Ramadan charity initiatives at fostering education and
building strong social bonds. Below are Ramadan-related charity projects
implemented by Octa broker in 2024.
In the wake of the holy month of Ramadan in 2024, Octa funded the
renovation of SD NEGERI DEPOK, a school in Depok City, West Java,
Indonesia. On 27 April, Octa representatives and local officials held
the opening of the renovated school and presented gifts to the children.
The main stakeholders expressed satisfaction with the project's outcome
and offered their best wishes to the local students.
The project aimed to improve and expand the local educational
infrastructure to address the increasing number of students in the
region. Another key objective was to provide moral encouragement to
students and motivate them to be proactive in pursuing knowledge and
studying science.
To celebrate Ramadan in Malaysia, Octa sponsored STATUS 200, a coding
bootcamp for students of Ideas International, an inclusive secondary
school located in Kuala Lumpur.
STATUS 200 was held in three stages, from July to November 2024. Octa
fully funded the project, allocating some slots to students supported by
UNHCR (the UN Refugee Agency). To promote diversity, equity, and
inclusion, Octa also granted 50% of the slots within the programme to
female students.
Twelve students achieved Stage 2 certification and enrolled in Stage 3,
finishing it with impressive results. The graduates successfully
completed their final assignments—each had to develop a fully functional
webshop from scratch. Based on these individual projects, the
graduates' skill levels met the requirements for a junior web developer
With STATUS 200, Octa made another step towards its long-term social
mission: to bring lasting positive change to local communities through
small steps—incremental, targeted, and timely initiatives.
In 2024, Octa carried out three charity projects in Nigeria around the holy month of Ramadan:
- Providing 300 children with educational supplies: due to a
harsh economic crisis, many parents in economically challenged areas of
the country cannot afford the basic school fees for their children and
educational materials. Octa joined forces with a local charity, KIR
Foundation, to provide students with much-needed supplies, including
writing materials, dictionaries, and school bags, promoting accessible
education and driving social development.
- Training 25 youths in tech skills: Octa and KIP organised
training courses to empower unemployed or underemployed youth with tech
skills, including data science, cybersecurity, and graphic design.
- Establishing yet another reading corner: reading corners are
mini libraries set up in less-developed city areas or public primary
schools. They enable children to improve their literacy skills and
develop a lifelong love for reading. In 2024, Octa and KIR have set up
24 reading corners throughout 14 states, reaching 9,209 children and
donating 3,763 books.
In 2024, Octa's Ramadan-related charity initiatives contributed to
long-lasting positive change in local communities, enhancing the career
potential of local students of various age groups. In 2025, the global
broker will keep up with the good tradition and carry out new dedicated
charity projects to celebrate Ramadan. Stay tuned!
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